While at the Yanchep National Park we spent 5 day’s at the Henry Oval Campsite (see related post).
As soon as we arrived at the campsite, the sky was full of Carnbys Black-Cockatoos. After getting set up, we headed towards picnic tables in front of the kitchen to have some dinner, and there it was my first sighting of a Kangaroo. It was only a meter away I couldn’t believe how close we were 😀, As it grazed on the grass, another one came bouncing out of the trees in the distance, then another two, before we’d finished dinner the grassy plot was full of Western Gray Kangaroos. They’re a joy to watch, and we spent the evening watching them grazing, hopping around, sometimes fighting, and some of the mothers had joeys in their pouch.
The next morning we decided to take a short stroll to see some koalas 🐨, koalas only rat eucalyptus leaves 🍃 which don’t provide a huge amount of energy, so Kualas spend around 20 hrs of the day sleeping 😴, we visited the area 3 times that day morning, afternoon and evening but we didn’t catch them awake. They slept in the trees clung to branches never too far from the eucalyptus leaves 🍃. The next morning we returned and found one of the kulalas awake and chomping on some eucalyptus leaves
While in the national park we encountered kangaroos every morning and evening which never got old, large groups of Australian Ringne ks, Red Capped Parrots, Galahs, large groups of Carnbys Black-Cockatoos and various forms of ducks.